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Disclaimer: B12 shots free of charge if you are purchasing an IV infusion

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Creating Safer Working Environment for Everyone


Illicit drug use significantly impairs a person and in many cases, leads to long-term addiction or habitual use. Because of the increased likelihood of on-the-job accidents and injuries, the use of illicit drugs poses a high risk for people at work. PEARLS OF JUNE SOLUTIONS, a Mobile Laboratory in Hollywood, Florida, provides testing services that are beneficial for all.

Drug testing gives employers and employees the ability to make the workplace a safer and more productive environment, which is one of the best benefits we can get from reliable testing providers.

Alcohol and drug use at work impairs users’ judgment and can result in twice as many workers’ compensation claims. Only workers who have demonstrated that they are not using or abusing drugs are permitted to operate heavy machinery or handle sensitive workplace information. Our Mobile Laboratory Services are very in demand and reliable.

A well-known drug-free workplace policy fosters a positive work culture, making your company a desirable place to work for your employees. It is best to invest in reliable Testing Services to achieve a safe work environment.

The improved safety and productivity, as well as the absence of drugs in the workplace, create a much healthier, safer, and more positive environment for employees. Simply mentioning that your company conducts drug testing is usually enough to deter drug users from applying.

We also provide IV Therapy in Florida. To know more, please reach out to us.

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woman being swab tested inside her car